Thursday, 25 October 2012

"Hey Puddin'!"

So, obviously Batman is one of the best super heroes (in my eyes anyway) - what with his awesome fighting skills and fancy gadgets, plus that brooding dark side - but I think it's safe to say that one of the things that really makes Batman so good is the fact that the villains are bloody brilliant. I first properly got into Batman when I saw The Dark Knight, and it goes without saying that the Joker is the star of the film. My boyfriend and I got obsessed with playing Arkham Asylum when it came out (I'm still working my way through Arkham City - damn real life getting in the way of important things!). The Joker is once again the main bad guy, but due to the games being a bit more in line with the comics his sidekick girlfriend, Harley Quinn, also has a substantial role. And ever since I started playing I have been in love with the crazy, quirky and lovable character that is Harley.

Harley Quinn in the animated series and her makeover for the Arkham Asylum game

Her background of falling in love with the Joker while analysing him at Arkham, inspiring her change from the psychiatrist Harleen Quinzel to the insane criminal Harley Quinn complete with jester outfit, is probably a big part of why I think she's one of the best characters in Batman. Don't all wannabe forensic psychologists dream of having their heart stolen by a sociopathic criminal?! (Just me? Ok...)

Harley's naivete regarding her relationship with the Joker and quirky comments adds humour to the games, which are otherwise quite dark like Christopher Nolan's interpretation of the films. Plus who doesn't love a badass female who can handle a gun but simultaneously just wants to spend time with her Puddin'? 

This is my awesome necklace I got from Geekropology on Etsy the other day and I love it. What with Halloween coming up it's made me really want to put together a Harley Quinn outfit, complete with my boyfriend as the Joker. We've dressed up as Batman and Batgirl for a party previously, but I think this pairing would be even more fun. I think I'd go more for her look in Arkham Asylum - the outfit below would be perfect! Arkham Asylum Harley Quinn costume

One of these eye makeup looks would be great too if I didn't feel like wearing a face caked in makeup or a mask.

Are there any characters you also have a bit of a geeky obsession with?  What outfits are you planning to put together for Halloween?

*All photos apart from the necklace were found on google and are not mine*

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