Monday, 4 June 2012

Adventuring Around the New Forest

Before moving to Southampton last year I'd never properly been down to this part of the country, so the whole area was new to me. Almost a year on and we realised due to one thing or another we still hadn't ventured into the New Forest yet, which is one thing we definitely wanted to do before we move this summer (again!).

We decided to go on a little road trip this weekend and check out as much of it as we could. Obviously it's a busy weekend here in England and plenty of other people had decided to do the same, which made the atmosphere in the little villages and pubs that bit more enjoyable.

We stopped off first at Lyndhurst, only a few miles outside of Southampton.

We spent the afternoon driving around other parts of the New Forest...

Before ending up back towards Lyndhurst and stopping off for a pub dinner...

I think another trip is necessary before we move this summer!

I hope you're all making the most of your four-day weekend too :)


  1. the photos with the horses are stunning! xx

    1. Thank you, all the photos are courtesy of my fiancé :) xx


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