Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Posh Hot Dogs

As our anniversary is next month, we didn't bother much with Valentine's Day. We usually just have a nice meal together at home but my fiancé cooks instead of me. He's ended up making 'posh fast food' the past couple of years (lamb kebabs and homemade burgers-so yummy!) so thought he'd carry on the tradition this year too with 'hot dogs'.
He probably made a bit too much as we were both stuffed by the end of dinner, but they tasted so good that it didn't matter! Below is his recipe for honey glazed sausages in baguettes. 
Tom's Posh Hot Dogs

Serves 2 very generously

4-6 sausages
2 small onions
1 clove of garlic
2-3 medium tomatoes
2 baguettes
3-4 tablespoons honey
Sprinkle oregano
Olive oil
Salad (to serve) 

-Place sausages in a dish and drizzle with a small amount of oil to prevent them sticking.
-Cook for 10 minutes, turning once, at 200C (fan oven). Add honey, coating all the sausages evenly and cook for a further 20 minutes, turning regularly, until cooked through.
-Add a small amount of butter to a frying pan. Peel the garlic clove and crush this into the pan.
-Chop the onions and tomatoes. Add these to the pan along with a sprinkle of oregano and cook gently until soft.
-Warm the baguettes in the oven for about 5-10 minutes (this will vary depending on the bread you use and how soft/crispy you like it).
-Cut the baguettes in half lengthways and butter them. Slice the sausages in half and place in the baguette. Top with onions and tomatoes. Cut the baguettes in half and serve with salad. 
True love right there!

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